0021.Oh how very grateful I am for our precious first born boy. Isaiah. What a wonderful, splendid young man he is. The first boy after 8 girls, we never thought we'd see the day. We are sure glad we did. He is a delightful 5, almost 6 year old. He loves being with Mom. He also loves playing with his playmobil, his little brothers, little sister and all the big sisters God gave him. Everyone who sees him says he looks like his daddy. He looks remarkably like my dad as well.
I am so abundantly blessed by all the hand-me-downs that people have given to us. Our little James is wearing a hat and jacket given to us by friends. We have probably spent less than $50 on our 3 boys total in their lives on clothes or shoes. Isn't God good to provide for all of our needs?
0023.The first little flowers to poke their heads up in our front bed are crocuses. We have a few colors, but I'm partial to the purple ones. Aren't they beautiful?
0024. Coffee beans...beautiful little coffee beans ☺. They are the perfect pairing for chocolate. Actually chocolate, ice, milk, chocolate chips and a little Hershey's syrup...all blended together. My daughter, Kate, ground 2 pounds of beans for me to make espresso for frappuccinos at the older church kids volleyball/ultimate frisbee party a few weeks back.
0026. Being the mom of a super-sized family, I get the extra blessing of the many adoreable faces the kids make. 2 year olds seem to make especially cute ones...who needs tv?
0027.Thank you Lord for "chef of the day". At our house all of the girls 11 and up get a day of the week to be chef. Today is Kate's day...thank you God for Kate!
0028.Modest swimwear. I am exceedingly thankful to be able to have all my daughters go to pools and public places in modest swimsuits. One of my favorite companies is http://www.wholesomewear.com/ . They are comfortable and you actually feel dressed while swimming.
0029.We have been so blessed to attend our church, Keefer Creek Baptist Church, for 11 years now. We meet in a state-run nursing home as a ministry to the patients. This has given all of us an appreciation for all the people God has made...we are all creations of His. I am so grateful also for our Pastor and his humble, teachable spirit. He is always willing to learn from God and share with us what the Lord is teaching him.
0030.Last year at Christmas our children were all wonderfully blessed by a surprise box in the mail that contained new jammies for each of them. God gives us so much more than we deserve.